Thursday, July 8, 2010

LeBoring James!!!

Well once again New Yorkers are buzzing about the possibility of signing the best of the best... yes, I too am talking about LeBron James. I walked into Meatpacking last night and paparazzi were everywhere just praying to catch a picture of the star.. But was he even here?

TMZ claims LeBron is coming to the Knicks

TMZ.. oops I mean ESPN (I've gotten them confused this past week) has managed to make LeBron into the sole athlete in the Free Agent circle dedicating an hour long special to "Decision 2010"; D Wade who? Chris Bosh what? Yes, I can't deny that he is possibly the best NBA player since MJ (some would argue better) See Comparison, but he isn't the only amazing athlete. Everyone else managed to quietly sign, just like the many before them, yet LeBron's ego could possibly crush an entire city with the swipe of his pen.  Im so over this story and he hasn't even chosen yet!

If he does come to the Knicks I imagine I will be hearing his name chanted from every street corner, I'll be seeing his image on Soho billboards, and Orange and Blue jerseys will cover every beer gut in every sports bar from Stone Street to Harlem.

Well if you can't beat 'em join 'em.. Who's going to SideBar tonight?!

"Sister bars SideBar and Village Pourhouse are hosting "Come on LeBron" Press Conference Parties, airing the conference and offering up drink specials. On Thursday, July 8, both bars are offering $5 LeBomb James Shots from 9p to 10p. These Crown Royal whiskey shots are dunked into a glass of Red Bull for chugging. Sugar packs will allow you to "baby powder throw" like James himself."

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